Sekishō Idai (積小為大)

Jun 12, 2018 21:18
Yesterday, I introduced you to the Japanese term, "zayū no mei" (座右の銘), which means 'motto.'

Today I would like to introduce you to my zayū no mei.

It is "sekishō idai" (積小為大).

Seki (積) means 'to pile up,' shō (小) means 'small,' i (為) menas 'to accomplish,' and dai (大) means 'big.'

That is to say, this four-character idiom means that if you want to accomplish a great thing, it is important/necessary to pile up small efforts every day.

Incidentally, this idiom is said by a well known person in the Edo period, Sontoku NINOMIYA (二宮尊徳).




「積」は 'to pile up,' 「小」は 'small,' 「為」は 'to accomplish,' 「大」は 'big' を意味します。


No. 1 Sinead95's correction
  • Sekishō Idai (積小為大)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Yesterday, I introduced you to the Japanese term, "zayū no mei" (座右の銘), which means 'motto.'
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I would like to introduce you to my zayū no mei.
  • Today I would like to tell you my 'zayū no mei'.
  • It is "sekishō idai" (積小為大).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Seki (積) means 'to pile up,' shō (小) means 'small,' i (為) menas 'to accomplish,' and dai (大) means 'big.'
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, this four-character idiom means that if you want to accomplish a great thing, it is important/necessary to pile up small efforts every day.
  • This four-character idiom means that if you want to accomplish a great thing, it is important/necessary to pile up small efforts every day.
  • Incidentally, this idiom is said by a well known person in the Edo period, Sontoku NINOMIYA (二宮尊徳).
  • Incidentally, this idiom was spoken by a well known person in the Edo period, Sontoku NINOMIYA (二宮尊徳).
Thank you so much for the corrections! :)
No. 2 artboy598's correction
  • Today I would like to introduce you to my zayū no mei.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, this four-character idiom means that if you want to accomplish a great thing, it is important/necessary to pile up small efforts every day.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, this idiom is said by a well known person in the Edo period, Sontoku NINOMIYA (二宮尊徳).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
I don’t have a motto σ(^_^;)
Thank you for reading my post! :)
To tell you the truth, I began to have my motto only a few years ago.